Title of the article: PARTNERSHIP MODEL IN HUMAN POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DRIVEN BY INTELLECTUALISATION OF ECONOMY written by OLGA REVINA holding PhD in economics. Certified Investors in People Adviser and Chairperson of QUBF LLC (G) in Doha, State of Qatar.

The topic is a scientifically relevant considering the journal profile as it’s focused on the sphere of philosophy of economics in the areas of human potential development being the basic factor of economic and social sustainable growth which is evidenced by renowned scientific research and leading international institutions.

In this articles the author analyses the modern tendencies in human potential management and development able to make a positive impact on organizational performances and economy as a whole which is clearly reflects the article’s title, the content and purpose of the article.

With regards to the abstract, the author makes it an informative, comprehensive, and relevant while providing a clear structure for introducing the mechanism of an effective utilization of human intellectual capabilities for unlocking their synergetic potential in the framework of philosophy of economics. The key words provide an adequate index entry for the article and consists of 13 words.

The introduction contains clearly stated objectives of the research reflecting the relevance of the research, analyzing the published materials and setting the particular tasks.

In accordance with the current pertinent theories the author introduced a new concept  to explore named ‘people partnership model’ as a holistic framework in human potential management and development for the purpose of polyphonic provision of any organizational entity of the society. The author also proposed to consider this people partnership model which includes an effective combination of two key components, such as economic and social partnership within any organization in order to achieve efficient empirical indicators where the empirical research results methodologically correctly presented.

The conclusions clear illustrate the research results based on people’s economic partnership and social interaction such modern managerial practices will lead to potential harmonization of the relations among all participants of the socio-economic activity while giving numerous suggestions for future research.  

Based on the reviewer’s opinion that people partnership model emphasized by the author proves the following thesis: people collaboration creates a tendency for rapid development of human potential when it is based on a critical blend of unique human experience, innovations and creativity in critical thinking, which in the purview of globalization become vital components in the process of economic intellectualization.

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