МІЖНАРОДНИЙ ГУМАНІТАРНИЙ ЖУРНАЛ Sophia Prima: діалог вічного повернення Том 2 №1 (3) 2020

Завантажити журнал :Sophia Prima Vol.2 №1 (3) 2020

Philosophic sciences: A friendship with wisdom

MARYNA PREPOTENSKA, OXANA TERESHCHENKO. Actual interview about modern сity philosophy: from lockdown to smart city

MARYNA ZAKHARYNA. We read today: the phenomenon of the integrated social being in v. zenkovsky’s sofiology

SERHII LYSENKO. Modern information security analysis: integration of best practices and technologies into administrative and legal measures

NATALIA LOGUTINA, LUDMILA LEBED. The problem of profile education in pedagogical theory and practice in the highly developed countries

OLEG MALTSEV. Historical background of the killer psychomodel: praxeological analysis

FROL REVIN Collaborative action in the age of social media: digital capital, public discourse and power networks

Philosophy of history


ELVIRA HERASYMOVA, ZORINA VYKHOVANETS. Moral renovation of a human being in the social utopia by lazar baranonych: a retrospective view

Софія Прима: діалог вічного повернення Том 2 №1 (3)

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